Product Intelligence
Product Intelligence
More than Product Information Management... PIM with CPQ!
Product Data Unleashed
Product Data Unleashed
Don't lock your most valuable asset - perfect and curated knowledge of your portfolio - away in black-box systems! This data is yours!
Intelligence Tweaking at your fingertip!
Intelligence Tweaking at your fingertip!
Products becoming more and more dynamic - so must be the underlying catalog data and intelligence. Work hand-in-hand to properly structure even most complex information.
Services around your products
Services around your products
Treat your service offering with the same precision as your products!

Product Intelligence

xPRS is the next-generation of Product Information Management (PIM) directly providing "Product Intelligence". For example, this may include "Configure Price Quote" (CPQ) capabilities or full support for non-physical products like services, contracts and more.

As nowadays ChatGPT can spit out nicely-phrased, convincing and logical information on everything - even your own products on a finger tip: This does not do the required Product Intelligence justice! Properly captured, structured and curated product data (PIM) is key for enabling any additional "intelligence" on your catalogs. Intelligent interaction can start with simple things like configuring products (CPQ), dynamic product attributes or channel-specific output documents. xPRS is the modern platform to support and enable Product Intelligence: For Manufacturers and Service Providers.

Product Intelligence
For example, a typical value chain for manufacturers of medium-complex products could be:
  • The Product Engineers defines the HOW to specify a product. Which attributes are needed? Which options? Which hierarchy? What aspects of a product or contract are configurable?
  • The Product Managers maintain the actual product portfolio - by managing the specific master data, images, properties etc.
  • The Seller then picks from that portfolio, augmenting, enriching and tweaking to the specific customer needs: Product variants, pricing discounts, flanking service contracts and more.
xPRS provides a common framework to support all these activites under one roof - without complex integrations and alignment needs. As simple as creating new pages in WordPress or customizing the style - while always keeping the data easy to export, feed to other systems or be updated by external systems (like ERPs).


Fully dynamic data model that perfectly fits your specific portfolio needs!


Excel is good for simple product lists. xPRS is perfect for multi-dimensional information like variants, tags, options, cross-relations and more.


Working together to get and keep your data in shape is a critical success factor. It is a collaboration effort!


Direct in-line model updates - without cumbersome split into "Expert Backend Software" and "Normal-User Frontend". We work together!


No setup or maintenance required! We get you going in a few minutes - and by the end of the day you have set up your specific product catalog!


Not only does xPRS integrate data with Dynamics D365 CE, SAP or Woocommerce - also the frontend integrates smoothly in your CRM or Teams!


Works in any modern browser - fully Cloud based but does not lock in your data. You stay in control!


As easy as providing a fixed product property, you can make it expose "intelligence", for example being configurable so that the seller or consumer can make the product fit nicely.


The data model support a multutide of data types out of the box! Currencies, Unit-of-Measure Conversion, Localization - only a click away!

A demo says more than 1000 words

Get in contact to have a brief tour - and to open the door for you to explore the power of your data on your own!

12 +

Industry Models

8000 +

Hours of experience

38 +


170 +

Classes modelled

User Voices

PIM and CPQ in small and large enterprises
The simplicity and efficiency of xPRS is just uncomparable! I can do most on my own!
Lizzy K.

Lizzy K.

Product Portfolio Manager

Wish we had directly started on xPRS! Excel was just getting unmanageable.
Harald W.

Harald W.


It is so easy to use up-to-date information in my pitch talks and documents! Client happy, we're happy!
Jörg-L. R.

Jörg-L. R.

Sales Team

We get all the data we need - all matching up! And if I spot outdated information, I can directly fix the source!
Mandy R.

Mandy R.

Product Controlling

Pricing Table

Cloud-Subscription on Monthly or Annual Basis



  • 3 Months
  • 3 User
  • Max. 100 products

Monthly Plan

18 per month

  • 1 Month
  • per User
  • Unlimited Products ("Fair Use Policy")
  • Azure SSO O365
  • Email support

Data Integration

99 per month

  • 1 Source/Target System
  • Max. 10 daily runs
  • Max. 1000 daily dynamic fetches
  • Email support

Free TRIAL - while capacity lasts!

We're happy to set up a trial instance for you. In addition, we do offer a free onboarding session to explain the basics of xPRS, enabling you to directly jump in and start setting up your product catalog.

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